Becoming a member.

Why Should i join?

 We are fundraising to help people far less fortunate than ourselves, by getting together and making a small donation

we can have an impact on other peoples lives in a way you wouldnt expect

Where Does the money go?

 Every penny raised goes to a variety of Charities, I dont keep anything and a small percentage is taken by Patreon and their processors for fees, the charities i am working with are grass roots and dont have CEO’s or other admin dipping into it, it is mainly voluntary so everything sent goes directly into feeding and clothing people

We’ve been running for 2 years now and in that time i’ve managed to find some brilliant charities that are working to beat the systemic cycle of poverty

 Whats in it for me?

 We all share a love of eating and travelling so i’ve created Google overlays for Cities and Countries around the world that work in real time, are constantly updated and allow you to find all the lesser known and brilliant places the google algorithm hides from you, years of travelling and taking pictures has allowed me to create a huge database that members can tap into at any time to see whats best to eat wherever they are!

This is an example of how the maps look, they are designed to overlay on your Google maps app so you can see whats closest to you at any time! Pressing on them for a second will bring up the restaurants details in google. They will eventually have links to the posts on the site which tells you best dish etc but i felt location was more important presently and its fun to find something really good yourself

Members will also be added to the Close Friends story posts on instagram for up to date tags and locations before they even reach the map!

And i will also be available to discuss any plans or last minute questions and help with bookings if you give me plenty of notice

How Do i Sign Up?

Head over to and pick a tier!