Asador Etxebarri

One of Europes outstanding restaurants, their reputation is phenomenal and the food on the plate matches it, they’ve never changed their style or ethos over the years and never will, this is a true asador with a legendary head chef who has trained some of the best in the business in cooking over fire and wood.

Its not cheap at 240 euros plus taxis each way but its worth every penny and not in the worlds 50 best top ten for nothing, its an exceptional display of produce and grilling. You can also order off menu, basically anything they have they will cook for you on top of the tasting menu (at a price) so ask what they have and order those few little extras you like! I’m really not a fan of tasting menus but this is different, it just feels like they are bringing you delicious things without being fancy, no pointless foams and sauces that dont add to the product, its simple, and perfect!

This has been one of my favourite places in europe for years and the recent trip just continues to show the consistency of Victors skills and that some restaurants should never change, i cannot recommend it enough but a word of warning…. Victor will retire in 5 years, if you havent been you better get moving as its something nobody who loves food should miss!

